Data Analytical Board
The monitoring and evaluation (M&E) process are turning into a spry new creature with technology. With increasing emphasis on real-time feedback, more rigorous data collection, and quantifiable results, the spread and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in monitoring and evaluation — ‘ICT4M&E’ in short — has sparked a massive interest.
ICT in development programs break down the boundaries that existed in communicating lessons and results with the development world. With the creation of this global network, which is seeing far more participation, there are huge benefits that technology can bring to development programs and their M&E.

T-DAB | Data Analytical Board
The monitoring and evaluation (M&E) process are turning into a spry new creature with technology. With increasing emphasis on real-time feedback, more rigorous data collection, and quantifiable results, the spread and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in monitoring and evaluation — ‘ICT4M&E’ in short — has sparked a massive interest.
ICT in development programs break down the boundaries that existed in communicating lessons and results with the development world. With the creation of this global network, which is seeing far more participation, there are huge benefits that technology can bring to development programs and their M&E.

Get | Real-Time FeedbackRigorous Data CollectionQuantifiable Results

How it works?
The monitoring and evaluation (M&E) process are turning into a spry new creature with technology. With increasing emphasis on real-time feedback, more rigorous data collection, and quantifiable results, the spread and use of Information and Communication Technologies (ICT) in monitoring and evaluation — ‘ICT4M&E’ in short — has sparked a massive interest.
ICT in development programs break down the boundaries that existed in communicating lessons and results with the development world. With the creation of this global network, which is seeing far more participation, there are huge benefits that technology can bring to development programs and their M&E.
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